Screenpresso 1.10.4

NEUVERSION VERFÜGBARScreenpressoOktober 2021 (1.10.4)

Benoist Jamin

Video recording is now gracefuly stopped, without loosing the recording, when Windows is shutdown

It is now possible to easily retrieve the path of the working folder of each workspaces

Fixed wrong copy to clipboard behaviors from the workspace

In the workspace's context menu, saveas '.presso' is now always available for images, even if it was never edited using the built-in editor

Fixed the issue in the workspaces manager when the thumbnail image of a workspace does not exist anymore

The built-in image editor window is now still visible when the 'EditorSavePosition' advanced setting is enabled and the last windows' position was on a screen that is currently disabled

Fixed filename not displayed when printing an image. Added a setting to print it or not

Added a 'Contact support' button to the NetworkError form

For the IT, the 'NoLicenseManagement' policy key now also disable access to the activation key from the about box dialog

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