Screenpresso 2.1.9

NEUVERSION VERFÜGBARScreenpressoMärz 2023 (2.1.9)

Benoist Jamin


New video toolbar look and feel

Video toolbar

Added VU meter to the video toolbar. You can now see the sound intensity and make sure the sound is properly recorded

You can also mute the sound live during the recording and check which microphone is used to avoid mistakes.

Video toolbar flags

Added new video speed presets to the playback list: 1.25 and 1.75

Video speeds

Added support for JPEG XL image file format

JXL file format

The custom 'Maximize' button of all Screenpresso windows now acts as a standard Windows 11 'Maximize' button

Maximize button

Added built-in support of Cloudinary image and video hosting


Added the possibility to move the toolbar to the right of the editor window

Toolbar right

Added 'Print filename at the bottom-right' option to the print dialog


Added the name of the selected printer to the print dialog


Improved the history display of published files

The print settings are now persisted, your settings will be applied again for your next printings

Added 'NoFirstTimeMessages' policy and command line argument

Renaming a file in the workspace now warns if a file with the same name already exists

Refreshed the help displayed at the first use of the capture auto-scroll feature

Hidden Screenpresso's subfolders are now created only when necessary

Bug fixes

Fixed an exceptional case when a recorded avi file could autodelete itself

Restored the possibility to scroll the image in the image editor horizontally using Alt+MouseWheel

Improved FTP sharing feature to avoid an error when the account has special security restrictions

Better handling of a locked folder (issue was happening when OneDrive synchronized the working folder)

Improved license update when using an activation.lic file

Improved Avast! antivirus detection

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