Screenpresso 1.7.9

新しい使用可能なバージョンScreenpresso2019年10月 (1.7.9)

Benoist Jamin

This version is mainly a bug fixes release.


Fixed lag at video recording's startup

When "Direct MP4 recording" option is checked, there was a lag during about 0.3 seconds at the very beginning of the record.

Fixed issue with automatic merge at the end of video recording

A new feature of the previous release is for Screenpresso to merge automatically multiple AVI files when Direct MP4 recording option is not checked and a long video recording ends. This new feature introduced a bug preventing the video preview from being displayed.


Added dash-dot line style

For lines, circles, rectangles and polygons, it is possible to set a plain or a dash line style. Now we added the dash-dot line style.

Added Ctrl+C shortcut

Ctrl+C now copies to clipboard selected item or the whole image.


Fixed Google Drive public permission

When you upload a media to Google Drive thanks to Screenpresso's build-in publish feature, you can request it to be publicly available. This feature was not working properly and is now fixed.

Removed ScreenpressoCloud banner (pro)

If you are a Screenpresso PRO user and publish a media to ScreenpressoCloud, the hosting Web page won't display a banner advertising Screenpresso anymore.

Upgraded ScreenpressoCloud max file size

The maximum file size has been changed from 20MB to 50MB.


Smaller settings.xml file

Now the settings.xml file storing all your settings is much smaller because it does not contain default values anymore (settings that you haven't changed are not saved to the file anymore).

Fixed proxy error message

When a proxy setting does not work, there is now a better error message.

About box saves previous choices

About box window now remembers whether you checked Check for beta option or not. Previously this setting was always checked when you opened the window.


Fixed German and Dutch translations

ScreenpressoRcp.exe is now 64 bits

ScreenpressoRpc.exe is a software used when Screenpresso.exe is installed in Program Files folder. Previously it was running as a 32 bits software even under Windows 64 bits.

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