Screenpresso 1.8.6

新しい使用可能なバージョンScreenpresso2021年2月 (1.8.6)

Benoist Jamin

Experience improvement

The edited image is now automatically saved after each action. You may disable it via the advanced setting named "EditorAutoSave"
Added custom value for custom filename setting. Now you can provide a value for the filename after each capture
OCR now supports all languages. Refer to chapter 7.7 of the user manual (press F1 from Screenpresso to open it)
Android: added an advanced setting "AndroidBitRate" for setting the video quality (in Mbps) for Android video recording. Default value is empty which uses the default Android's value that is 20Mbps
Added the description of some advanced settings to the user manual

Bug fix

Fixed drag and drop. When you drag a media from the workspace to a folder in the Windows' file explorer, the corresponding thumbnail image is now deleted from Screenpresso
Improved the startup stability (fix "XML" issue on loading)
Improved the media player startup stability
The video recorder is even more stable

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