Screenpresso 1.7.8

NEWVERSION AVAILABLEScreenpressoSeptember 2019 (1.7.8)

Benoist Jamin


Automatic merge of mp4 files when multiple files have been generated during video recording

When "Direct MP4 recording" option is not checked, Screenpresso records video in AVI file format. This format limits the file size to 2GB. Therefore Screenpresso may produce several AVI files during one recording session. Previous to 1.7.8, Screenpresso was generating as many MP4 files as AVI files at the end of the recording session. This new version enhances the conversion pipeline and produces one single MP4 file.

Generation of GIF video is now much quicker and better

Screenpresso uses a brand new processing engine to generate GIF file quicker with higher quality. Ghosting artifacts have been reduced, and the dependancy on ImageMagick third party has been removed.

Upgraded version of FFmpeg and ADB

Screenpresso uses FFmpeg third party for some video conversion tasks. We now use the version 4.1.4.

To record videos or take screenshots on Android devices, Screenpresso relies on Android Debug Bridge (ADB) third party. Screenpresso now uses the version 1.0.41 of ADB to be able to communicate with the latest versions of Android devices.

Automatic Update

Enhanced Check for update

A new option has been added to choose between the official or the beta releases.

Screenpresso already features an automatic update engine so new official releases are progressively deployed on each screenpresso installation. However, the user can force the update by clicking on Check for update button in the About Box dialog.

Previous to 1.7.8, beta versions and official versions were available behind the same update button. Starting with 1.7.8, the user can now choose to get only official releases. Latest beta releases can be used for testing purposes and may include feature preview of Screenpresso 2.0 (v2).

The release date of the v2 version has not been disclosed yet.


Numbering items can now be displayed in Roman (in addition to number and letter)

You can add numbering items to your screen captures in 3 formats:

Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4...
Letters: A, B, C, D...
Romans: I, II, III, IV...


Administrators can now fine-tune which sharing features are available or disabled

IT administrator can disable Google Drive and Evernote sharing features and remain OneDrive and OneNote sharing features available.

Please refer to the user manual (press F1 key from Screenpresso to open it) or run the command line Screenpresso.exe /policies to generate a sample registry file.


All Web calls are based on TLSv1.2 protocol.

Screenpresso will use the latest version of HTTPS protocol supported by your operating system.

Advanced settings

3 advanced settings have been added.


The EditorSingleInstance option set to True will force Screenpresso to edit images always in the same editor instance instead of opening multiple windows.


If you set WorkspaceCloseOnEdit to False then the workspace window will remain open when you double-click a media to open it (a media is an image, a video or a document).


If you set ScreenshotHideCursor to False, the standard mouse cursor will be used to define the capture region instead of the crosshairs (default).

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